Monday, January 30, 2012

How To Become Lucky

"If a man be lucky, there is no foretelling the possible extent of his good fortune. Pitch him into the Euphrates and like as not he will swim out with a pearl in his hand."
Babylonian proverb

Do you ever noticed that when ever you are going to do something really challenging or go to a job interview or business meeting  some one always say to you “Good Luck”.  What does that mean good luck?

According to the dictionary the definition of luck is. (The force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities: Or good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the result of chance.) So if the dictionaries definition of luck is correct then you and I chances of achieving success via luck are slim to none.

Every one has the desire to be lucky. The all consuming desire to have luck has been in the hearts of men for thousands of years now and it still persist today, every one hopes to be favoured by the whimsical Goddess call Good Luck.

But really is there some way we can attract lady luck, to get her favourable attention, and her generous favours?

I personally believe in luck, But No not the esoteric mystical mythical kind that only comes around every gazillion years; I believe in the luck that Guarantees success every time you use it.

What? Luck that Guarantees success every time you use? What are you talking about Collin? You might say.

But yes it is duplicatable and reusable every time, luck which is spelt L.U.C.K mean ( Labour Under Correct Knowledge) this means that if you exercise LUCK ever day all your achievements in life are sure.

If you want to sit by with your fingers crossed a Horseshoes around your neck with a Four Leaf Clover breaking Wishbones and a Rabbit's Foot in your pocket then by all means do so it’s your choice, but just ask your self how lucky was the Rabbit because right you have his foot inside your pocket.

Good Luck. As we have grown accustom to knowing as cost us many great fortunes that we missed in life and scores of missed opportunities for success, but real luck as it is meant to be Guarantees success every time.

True luck is when preparedness meets opportunity when you (L.U.C.K.) Labour Under Correct Knowledge the compound effect of your preparedness gives you the skills and ability to identify and seize all the great opportunity that comes your way.

So if you really want to be lucky stop sitting around waiting for the mystical goddess of luck to come by and say ooh poor thing and then drop a big bag full of cash in your lap.  

As cool as that would be its even better to create your own luck and be the right person in the right place all the time.

Start using your LUCK by doing those things that you know will open many great doors for you.

One of my formulas for being lucky is the five P system the five P’s Guarantees results every time, what are the five P’s you may ask?  well the 5 P’s are

Proper – preparation – prevent – poor – performance.

It’s that simple once you are prepared and you have put your self at peak state you can out perform any one and accomplish any thing this is how LUCK works every day all the time Guarantee.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Discipline Gives Freedom

A boy was flying a kite with his father and asked him what kept the kite up. Dad replied, "The string." The boy said, "Dad, it is the string that is holding the kite down." The father asked his son to watch as he broke the string.

Guess what happened to the kite? It came down. Isn't that true in life? Sometimes the
Very things that we think are holding us down are the things that are helping us fly. That is what discipline is all about.

So Winning in life comes when we do not succumb to what we want to do, but do what ought to be done. That requires discipline.

Harry S. Truman said "In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves Self-discipline with all of them came first." 

Monday, January 9, 2012

How To Eliminate Self Sabotage

“If you are ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.”  By Sun Tzu

There are many ways to avoid success in life, but the most effective and proven ways are procrastination and self sabotage. People who procrastinate sabotage themselves They put obstacles in their own path, set up their own stumbling blocks They actually choose paths that hurt their performance.

Why would people do that to themselves?

Well the truth is Procrastinators are made not born no one was ever born to be a procrastinator, people choose self sabotage over self-regulation, It's easy to forget just how powerful our subconscious mind can be. We are often completely unaware of how our actions (or inactions) are affecting our lives. We may complain that things never work out for us, we have bad luck, or we just don't have what it takes to be successful.

For most people procrastination is a lifestyle stemming from habits that they have adopted over time you have to remember that our thinking pattern becomes habitual. We form habits and habits form character. Before you realize that you have got the habit, the habit has got you.

Habits are a lot stronger than logic and reasoning. Habits start by being too weak to be felt and end up becoming too strong to get out of,

So what is self sabotage? And why would some one want to sabotage themselves?

Self sabotage is a combination of our Thoughts, Feelings and Actions. Actions that are working against self-interest these thought patterns are creating barricades in our lives that is literally preventing our success at all levels even thought we want to have success.

You can look at it like this. We want something consciously but we sabotage our self unconsciously, it should be clear by now that there is a conflict going on between our conscious wants and our unconscious desires.

Some of the reasons why people might sabotage themselves are that subconsciously they create a safety mechanism to protect them from disappointment so out of fear of disappointment they actually create the disappointment.

So what are some of the consequences of self sabotage?

  • They prevent us from reaching our Goals.
  • They prevent us from taking action.
  • They prevent us from making important decisions
  • They hold us back in life.

 What are some of the reasons why people sabotage themselves?
  • some people sabotage themselves as a way of comfort or a coping mechanism.
  • Lack of self-esteem.
  • Lack of self-worth.
  • Lack of self belief.
  • Lack of self confidence.
  • An inability to manage our emotional state.
  •  An inability to manage our reaction to circumstances, people and events.

                                                       Self sabotage is shooting your self in the foot.

Other well noted ways of self sabotage are.
  • Fear of failure.
  • Fear of risk.
  • Fear of making mistakes
  • Fear of what people might think.
  • Fear of succeeding. ( yes some people do have a fear of becoming successful)
  • Limiting beliefs such as (it wont work, I can't do this, I am too busy for that right now, I am just not ready, I am just not good enough
  •  One of the worst is comparing ourselves with other people.

When these thoughts and actions go unmanaged or not corrected they we will continue to self sabotage which will work against our self interest.  

So how do we fix self sabotage and eliminate it from our lives? Well the first thing we have to do is identify our self sabotaging behaviors we can do so by examining ourselves carefully or write a list of all our thoughts and motives that we believe maybe holding us back, we should also be careful to identify the triggers that set off these self sabotaging behaviors. 

Some of the triggers could be a place, an event, an object, people or a specific time.

 After we have single out the culprit that as been killing our dreams, stealing our prosperity and success then we can move in to repair or correction mode.

 Our next step is to identify some healthy replacements that will help us achieve our self interest, as we have already establish, these self sabotaging behaviors are habits that are deeply-seated into our subconscious so it will take a full commitment on our part to eliminate and replace them .

so the best way to fix the problem is to ask your self  why do you need to change this habit and if you find a good enough reason why you will have the motivation that you need to propel you forward to make the change ( i.e. my current habit is holding me back from starting my own business.

Start practicing your new healthy behavior until an habit is formed to replace the old negative habit, some people recommend that you should practice for 21 days but I believe that you should give your self the least 30 day and be very consistent, because some of the self defeating thoughts that you are now trying to correct took many years to form some were even developed from childhood so I really don't think 21 days is sufficient.

This is not a comprehensive lesson on how to eliminate procrastination and self sabotage, but the steps that have been laid out here withing are sufficient enough to get you well on you way to success providing that you follow the steps carefully and that you are committed to change and self-regulation.

final tips be aware, be optimistic, learn from your mistakes by asking self improving questions in contrast to your mistakes, identify self defeating thoughts root them out and replace them the instant you discover them and be committed and consistent your success, happiness and entire life depend on it.     

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Take charge of your own education

The other day one of my readers asked me a question about education and because of my passion for education I believe its only right that I share the question and the answer that I gave. I hope every one else find it Helpful.

Even though the reader who ask the question is a college student the answer that I gave can be applicable in any situation at any stage in your life.

The Question was:  

"What are some ways someone can take charge of their own education?"

My Answer is:

That is a very good question and the fact that you ask that question shows one very clear and important fact and that is, you are well aware of the fact that you can take control of your education and your life.

I have always believed that education is free, but a university or college certification is very expensive.

So the answer to you question is very simple and I am going to put it in list form so it can be easily understood and replicated.

Step 1. you have to first decide what is it that you want, just imagine if a plane left JFK airport with no clear destination in mind flying around and don't know where to go I guess I don't have to tell you what would happen to it. So know what you want and decide upon it.

Step 2. Find out where you are going to acquire you education from, this could be a university, college or even you local neighborhood library. Like I said before education is free.

Step 3. Set a goal. Write down your goals, as I mentioned in a metaphor before a plane can not take off if the pilot don't have a clear destination confirmed.

 So make sure you set real achievable goals, write them down in detail and list out the expected benefits that you wish to achieve at the end, but still allow your self some amount flexibility.

Step 4. Put a time value on your goals. This means that you're going to put a starting time and an ending time for each goal you set.

Step 5. Ask your self this question. WHY? Yes you read correctly, why is the single most important question you can ask your self, why do you need to educate your self? Why do you need to improve your life? If you have a strong enough WHY then the HOW will come to you easy and you will eventually get the WHAT it takes to get it all done and enjoy a successful happy and prosperous life.

 So look around you on your life, family, job and then search inside and ask WHY, when you find the why it will be the fuel for your jet pack that will propel you into the Stratosphere of success.

Step 6. Master your time or your time will become your master, you have to incorporate some time management in your life style time management is very important it determine how fast you excel and how far you will go so make sure this is on your priorities list.

So these are some of the ways that I believe someone can take charge of their own education and lives please feel free to ask if you have any further questions.

So To overview:

No 1. Decide what you want.
No 2. Know where to get what you want.
No 3. Set a goal.
No 4. Put a time value on your goals
No 5. Ask your self WHY.
No 6. Time management


How To Increase Your Memory  CLICK HERE!

Time Management  CLICK HERE!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Be Still

Life is filled with rewards and Great gifts, but sadly most of us has never had the chance to be a proud recipient of these great gifts.

We didn't really miss out on them because they weren't given to us; we actually miss them because we didn't receive them. I know your going to say hold on there mister. What do you mean I didn't receive life's greatest rewards? 

Well the truth is we often don't.

With our life always in over drive and often times extremely chaotic and then the party or club hoping when we are not sitting in front of the TV spacing out, yes all of these activities rob us of the great rewards we could have receive and enjoy if we had just take the time to be Still.

When I had learned to use the power of how to be still I was awe struck and wonder to my self about all the things that I have missed out on because I had never took the time to be still. 

Now don't get too mystical on me and start thinking that I am talking about some new magical art or an old ancient mystical powers because that's not what I am talking about.

To Be Still. Just simply mean to take a chill pill, to relax your self it is often refer to as meditation, it as been revealed by many great inventor, scientist, musicians and even Albert Einstein himself that  some of the greatest discoveries came out of quiet moment of relaxation and reflection in fact Einstein's theory of relativity came to him at time when he was just chilling.

I have also discover that some of my greatest ideas come to me while I am in chill mode just relaxing and meditating I have discovered ideas for great events, innovative ways to make more money, inventions and just ways to make life easier for my self and other people.

Ask yourself why haven't you taken the time out of that busy life of your and allow life to reward you, it really don't take that much, all you have to do is just chill and the more often you do it the more rewarding it becomes.

Here is my be still how to guide.

  • Get a note pad and a pen or a pencil depending on which one you like to use.

  • Pick a time it could be 5 to 25 minutes morning, noon or evening when you want to chill in a quite secluded area.

 Its not hard to meditate you don't have to be an ancient sage to meditate all it require is that you take that designated time to reward your self by just freeing your mind of all your worldly concerns and allow the reservoir of great ideas and solutions that resides in you to flow and while they gush out of that storage tank of infinite knowledge and wisdom write them down because they will slip away as fast as they come. 

Try it out. Take a chill pill and allow life to reward you all you have to do is just BE STILL.

Recommended link CLICK HERE!


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