Monday, November 21, 2011

Hot Gossip!

Gossip is like a fired bullet. Once you hear the sound, you can't take it back.

How many times have you found your self hating some one or really despising their guts, but when you really thing about it that person as never done any thing to you, we can even take it further to say you and that person has never had any interaction before.

But why is this? How can you hate or despise some one that you have never talked to before? Usually if we should tract the origin of our ill feelings towards a person, place or thing it always comes from some one else and they usually get it from some else.   

If one wants to accomplish great things in life one has to practice maturity. Maturity
Means not getting entangled in unimportant things like petty talk and bad-mouthing other people, what's the Difference between gossiping and cutting one to pieces? There is none. The definition for gossip is (to talk idly, especially about the affairs of others) it does not take a rocket scientist figure out that means you are heading no where.

“Give so much of your time to the improvement of your self that you have no time to criticize or slander others” by Jim rohn.

Remember, people who gossip with you also gossip about you in your absence.
Gossiping and lying are closely related. A gossip listens in haste and repeats at leisure.

A gossip never minds his own business because he neither has a mind nor a business. A gossip is more concerned about what he overhears than what he hears. Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves nothing unsaid.

Someone said it well: "Small people talk about other people, mediocre people talk about
Things and great people talk about ideas."

Gossip can lead to slander and defamation of character. People who listen to gossip are
as guilty as those who do the gossiping.
Gossip has no respect for justice. It breaks hearts, it ruins lives, it is cunning and
Malicious. It victimizes the helpless. Gossip is hard to track down because it has no face
Or name. It tarnishes reputations, wrecks marriages, ruins careers, makes the innocent cry, causes heartaches and sleepless nights. The next time you indulge in gossip, ask yourself is it worth it?

There was a story about a young fellow who went about town slandering the town's wise man. One day, he went to the wise man's home and asked for forgiveness. The wise man, realizing that this man had not internalized the gravity of his actions told him that he would forgive him on one condition: that he go home, take a feather pillow from his house, cut it up, and scatter the feathers to the wind. After he had done so, he should then return to the wise man's house.

Though puzzled by this strange request, the young man was happy to be let off with so easy a penance. He quickly cut up the pillow, scattered the feathers, and returned to the house.

“Am I now forgiven?” he asked.

“Just one more thing,” the wise man said. “Go now and gather up all the feathers.”

“But that's impossible. The wind has already scattered them.”

“Precisely,” he answered. “And though you may truly wish to correct the evil you have done, it is as impossible to repair the damage done by your words as it is to recover the feathers. Your words are out there in the marketplace, spreading hate, even as we speak.”

Refrain from indulging in gossip. Remember, small talk comes out of big mouths when you discus other peoples business you motivate them to become a better person and while you build them up your tearing down your self.
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