Have you ever noticed that every year at new years eve we declare our new year's resolution, but as soon as the new year begins we often start for two weeks or maybe even a month at best before we end up quitting and then.
That which we have resolute so vehemently about just months before we end up putting it in the pile of unfinished business that we have been stocking up on over the years.
That which we have resolute so vehemently about just months before we end up putting it in the pile of unfinished business that we have been stocking up on over the years.
I have been giving this a lot of thought and a little research and what I have uncovered is that a lot of these declaration that people have made for their lives as the components to make them really successful and in most case extremely wealthy. So I beg to ask the question. Why they would abandon such great power and the ability to make themselves prosperous and successful?
Well a few answers came up, but two stood out the most to me and those are.
- They just don't know. Most people don't have a clue as to the chain reaction of successes that would have followed if they had only stuck with their declarations like a postage stamp until it reaches its destination.
- They lack the dedication, relentlessness, determination and most of all the Motivation that is needed to achieve greatness.
So this is my step by step guide on how to make these new year's declarations and keep them.
Step 1. Turn your declarations into real achievable goals, write them down in detail and list out the expected benefits that you wish to receive.
Step 2. Put a time value on your goals. This means that you're going to put a starting time and a ending time for each goal.
This doesn't mean that at the end of each goal you would have accomplished everything on your list.
what this actually does is it helps you to gauge and measure your progress so you can know where to focus more attention.
It's best to set long term as well as short term goals, thus maximizing your full potential.
This doesn't mean that at the end of each goal you would have accomplished everything on your list.
what this actually does is it helps you to gauge and measure your progress so you can know where to focus more attention.
It's best to set long term as well as short term goals, thus maximizing your full potential.
Step 3. Stop making resolutions. For the majority, just the word itself carries tremendous psychological disadvantages; they just don't work. According to surveys, only 8 percent of Americans successfully achieve their New Year's resolutions, 92% are not kept. 80 percent of those who make New Year resolutions have failed by Jan. 20th. So what do you do then?
Step 4. Start making New Year's revolutions instead. So what's the difference you might ask? Well the definition for resolution is (a formal expression of opinion or intention, the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action) which simply means that you will take forever to get it done and you will be discourage on your way.
Maybe this is why psychologists all over the world say that New year's resolutions are doomed to failure.
well noted psychologists have said that setting a resolution is a form of "cultural procrastination” because people fail to set realistic goals and most aren't ready to change their habits.
well noted psychologists have said that setting a resolution is a form of "cultural procrastination” because people fail to set realistic goals and most aren't ready to change their habits.
I am not a psychologists but my research has shown and proven to me that in order to have real change and achieve your utmost you need to have a revolution.
This is why I suggest that you should set a new year's revolution.
The definition for Revolution is (An overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by intensity).
This is why I suggest that you should set a new year's revolution.
The definition for Revolution is (An overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by intensity).
Every revolution in history was marked by a revolt, a total break away from by open rebellion to cast off allegiance or subjection to those in authority. How this applies to us is that we have to identify our old none supportive ways of thinking and doing things as a government that is keeping us under bondage, stifling our growth and stealing our progress and success.
We have to form a mental rebellion against them and revolt because the truth is they are doing more harm than good.
We have to form a mental rebellion against them and revolt because the truth is they are doing more harm than good.
So the difference with a revolution over a resolution is while a resolution is a stead fast focus on creating change, a revolution on the other hand is a complete dethroning of the old way of doing things a complete reform, new goals, new management system, new governance, new mind set.
This means that you have completely replaced your old paradigm with a new ones so the old routine and frame of mind no longer reign as supreme king in your life which allows you regain the ability to achieve your desired goals. Let the Revolution begin!!
This means that you have completely replaced your old paradigm with a new ones so the old routine and frame of mind no longer reign as supreme king in your life which allows you regain the ability to achieve your desired goals. Let the Revolution begin!!
If you find this helpful in any way please share it with your family and friends post it on your facebook twitter and let others know you care and want to see them succeed.
I really want to thank every one who read my blog and email me your questions and suggestions I promise I will respond to every single one of them before the year ends so give some time, Thanks! again and keep the emails coming.