Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to Train a Flea.

How to Train a Flea?

Train a flea? You may ask, but it is really interesting if you think about it, fleas are one of the more superior insect, because of their amazing ability to jump, they are the best jumpers in the insect world.

Fleas can jump two hundred times the length of their own bodies, which is roughly about thirteen inches. If a grown man could jump 200 times the length of their own bodies, they could jump about 900 feet!

Wow! Can you imagine that? What boundless ability these fleas have, it amazes me every time I think about it. Can you imagine if we could jump 200 times the length of our bodies this means that we could jump over the Trump World Tower in New York which is the 79th-tallest building in the world and the 28th-tallest in the United States. It is tallest all-residential building in New York City and the United States. This just shows how limitless both man and insect can be if they use their full potential.

So back to the question, how do you train a flea? An insect that as such  boundless ability.
Well here is my thought if you want make it in life and have success you have to learn how to train fleas.

You train fleas by putting them in a jar the fleas will then attempt to jump out but when you put the lid on the jar they will hit the lid of the jar with tremendous force. Hitting the lid of the jar with such force is painful. After doing this over and over again for about 30 minutes, you can take the lid off of the jar and the fleas will not jump out. They react to the impact of hitting the lid and adapt by jumping with less force and are conditioned to jump just shy of hitting the lid. When you take the lid off and give them the opportunity to use their innate potential again and jump far, they continue to jump just shy of the height of the lid as if it were still on the jar and this is how they will remain for the rest of their life.

Most people are just like that they start out with such enthusiasm in life to climb the mountain own a business to do some thing significant, but along the way they bump their head or snob their toe and they become what zig ziglar call a SNIOP which means (Susceptible to the Negative Influence of Other people,) its very interesting how we as humans respond the same way, When limitations are taken off, we refuse to use our full potential because of conditioning and pain or discomfort of prior limitation. We will not go as far as we can go or think bigger to achieve great things.

We are victims of our environment and conditioning and we limit ourselves by our beliefs and what we are told to believe. “Don't think big; you will only disappoint yourself. You can't do that. What, are you crazy? Don't dream big; it is impossible.” Is it true? Only if you believe it.

So what is a flea trainer? A flea trainer jump out of the jar, a flea trainer realize that God has coded our DNA with what we need to succeed, But we hold ourselves prisoners to our own thinking and our limitations are set by conditioning our beliefs as what we accept to be true for us.

A flea trainer realizes that what they do is up to them and they refuse to be influence by the negativity of people and circumstance. JUMP OUT!  Click Here!


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