Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
You are in charge of the ending; make it the one you want.
I am not telling you that it is going to be easy, but I am certainly telling you it is going to be worth it.
How many times have we found ourselves reflecting and looking at our lives even trying to compare it to other people’s life? And we’re saying to our selves that we can never achieve what they have?
We continue to feed ourselves on a steady diet of that same bull crap until we have put ourselves at a total disadvantage.
So where did we go wrong? What should we have done to win in the race call life?
Well I have learned the hard way and I hope you avoid the same mistakes that I made because if you don’t it will break you down literally.
What I have discovered is that you can not take one person achievements and measure your life by them, you can’t look at the big house, the Mercedes Benz or BMW the yacht, the multiple degrees or even the multi-million dollar companies that a person has.
What I’ve realise is that success always leave clues and these clues are always available to the diligent success student and the clues are also scalable which means they can always be applied to any given situation.
So what does this all mean to you and I? It simply means that instead of looking at the result of some ones achievement we should focus our attention on the process that took them there.
Nothing ever comes easy in life if you are willing to be hard on your self life will be easy for you, but if you are only willing to be easy on your self life will be hard for you.
So the best way for you to use some ones life to measure yours is by looking at the road that they took to get there and if the journey took them 10 years set a goal and tell your self that you will do it in 5 years and if it took them 5years tell your self that you will do it in 2/12 year, why? Because you are willing to work twice as hard twice as fast smarter but more importantly you are willing to be more committed and consistent than they were.
Just like the old adage say (“If you want to go some where, it is best to find some one who has already been there so they can give you directions”) the truth in this adage is that if some one travelled down that path before you did then they have discovered the many pit falls that lie in wait to take you out.
But if you learn there success techniques and how to avoid the pit falls you will achieve what they have achieve in half the time they did simply because you were more diligent.
Just remember success always leave clue so the next you see your class mate, your neighbour, old childhood friend that you grew up with or even the CEO to a multi-million dollar company that you aspire to Just ask your self what did they do to get there.
Then your job is to find out all that they did and when you do just say to your self if they can do it then so can I.
Think big, believe big, act big, and the results will be BIG!