Monday, December 12, 2011

As A Man Thinketh

 “For as he thinketh in his heart so is he” Proverbs 23:7.

The proverb, as he thinketh in his heart so is he. At fist glance may seem a bit simplistic to some people but if you really look at it and examine the premise you would realize that it is so profound and so relevant today even though it was written over 300 thousand years ago.

Every aspect of a persons life is shaped and governed by their thoughts even down to the minute details of every day choices, I know you’re going to say Collin I already know that; so what’s new? Well the truth is we all know this is a fact, but what we some times fail recognize is, yes our thoughts do control and govern our lives, so the real question is, who or what control and govern our thoughts?

Sounds like a crazy question? Well let examine it for a bit and see, so people act and do as there minds tell them but who tell their minds to act and do the things they do?  

I think Therefore I Am:

Answer: our environment we are all conditioned to think and act a certain way and this is what cause the results that we see in our lives, so here is another question for you, who is really in control of your life?

We are led by what we are fed; this simply means that the kind of information that we feed ourselves will eventually manifest it self in an action. No, no, no Collin your wrong I am the one that is in control of my life not any system, circumstance or person; if your in the driver seat of your life and your driving up success boulevard on your way to achievement highway then kudos to you.

But for most of us it would be wise to acknowledge that our actions can be no wiser than our thoughts and our thinking can be no wiser than our understanding. So if we all do agree that our thoughts govern our lives and we also establish that our conditioning and environment control our thoughts this means that in order to really have control of our lives we have to gauge what we put inside our mind in order to achieve any form of success.

Garbage In Garbage Out:

Like the old saying goes garbage in garbage out:  all that we are is the result of what we have thought, our life and achievements and the lack there of. where we live our jobs and every instance in our life is a perfect reflection of our thoughts.

We are not creatures of circumstances as we often think, circumstances are a result of us. Albert Einstein once said “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them” if our intention is to improve our lives then it is imperative that we improve our thoughts.

We have to constantly feed our mind with the things that support and reinforce what we desire to see manifest in our lives if we desire success then we have to realized that Success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person:  how do you attract success? You attract it by learning more about it.

The more you learn about success is the more attractive you become to it, as he thinketh in his heart so is he literally means that whatever thoughts you allow to consume your mind will also consume your life.

you cant sow peas and expect apples to grow. So ask your self this question, what kind of seeds are you sowing in your mind? We can no longer say no one knows what's going on inside our heart because even though we think in secret it will come to past our environment is but our looking glass.

                                                                        The thinker 


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