Monday, November 28, 2011

Life by design

Life is best live by design, I heard Jim Rohn said that a while back and I sat down and thought about it for awhile and after careful deliberation with my self it became abundantly clear to me that every thing as a point of origin and a designed structure.

Let's look at it for a moment; (just to simplify the explanation let use a guy) a guy went to his tailor and say I have a special engagement coming up and I want you to make me a really nice suit, well what the tailor would do is take his measurement and then he would sit down and create a design on paper according to the strict specification of his client upon on request, factoring all the intricate details he requested and  after finding the exact material he would turn the machine and then Voila the perfect suit. his client is happy he is happy and every one walk away smiling.

This may sound like a simplistic explanation but it is the same with everything in life, everything as a point of origin and a design; just look at it the guy tells his tailor what he wants the tailor then translates his idea into a design and then create a suit to fit.

It is really astonishing to see how many of us miss this simple truth, we go to work not realizing that we are doing everything according to our bosses design when we go to the grocery store or to the department store, when we take the bus or drive our car on the road it is all according to design, the house we live in, the buildings we work at, the cloths we wear, the food we eat and even the very bed we sleep on at nights every single one is all by design.

So let's ask our self this question, if all of these systems, businesses, governments and products that we use every day are all by design and they are having such great success. Why is it that our lives are not by design?  

We cant keep going around like a wondering generality we have to take control and become a meaningful specific, we are making the department stores, grocery stores, car manufacturers, mobile phone manufacturers and network providers more successful, we make our boss richer every day because we are fulfilling their design.

Most people think that life just happens to them and they have no control over what takes place, but what they fail to see is that if you don't have a clear outlined design for your life then your life will be like a leaf blowing in the wind going no where.

“People with out any goals in life get used by the people who have goals”

What are your dreams for your life? Turn these dreams into doable goals to day and get started on designing your own life path, you are the architect of your life it's not really hard it just takes commitment and dedication your helping every one else to fulfill their design and they are becoming  more successful. its time to fulfill your own, Life by Design is your right.


If you need any help with Goal setting or structuring your life design please feel free to email me. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hot Gossip!

Gossip is like a fired bullet. Once you hear the sound, you can't take it back.

How many times have you found your self hating some one or really despising their guts, but when you really thing about it that person as never done any thing to you, we can even take it further to say you and that person has never had any interaction before.

But why is this? How can you hate or despise some one that you have never talked to before? Usually if we should tract the origin of our ill feelings towards a person, place or thing it always comes from some one else and they usually get it from some else.   

If one wants to accomplish great things in life one has to practice maturity. Maturity
Means not getting entangled in unimportant things like petty talk and bad-mouthing other people, what's the Difference between gossiping and cutting one to pieces? There is none. The definition for gossip is (to talk idly, especially about the affairs of others) it does not take a rocket scientist figure out that means you are heading no where.

“Give so much of your time to the improvement of your self that you have no time to criticize or slander others” by Jim rohn.

Remember, people who gossip with you also gossip about you in your absence.
Gossiping and lying are closely related. A gossip listens in haste and repeats at leisure.

A gossip never minds his own business because he neither has a mind nor a business. A gossip is more concerned about what he overhears than what he hears. Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves nothing unsaid.

Someone said it well: "Small people talk about other people, mediocre people talk about
Things and great people talk about ideas."

Gossip can lead to slander and defamation of character. People who listen to gossip are
as guilty as those who do the gossiping.
Gossip has no respect for justice. It breaks hearts, it ruins lives, it is cunning and
Malicious. It victimizes the helpless. Gossip is hard to track down because it has no face
Or name. It tarnishes reputations, wrecks marriages, ruins careers, makes the innocent cry, causes heartaches and sleepless nights. The next time you indulge in gossip, ask yourself is it worth it?

There was a story about a young fellow who went about town slandering the town's wise man. One day, he went to the wise man's home and asked for forgiveness. The wise man, realizing that this man had not internalized the gravity of his actions told him that he would forgive him on one condition: that he go home, take a feather pillow from his house, cut it up, and scatter the feathers to the wind. After he had done so, he should then return to the wise man's house.

Though puzzled by this strange request, the young man was happy to be let off with so easy a penance. He quickly cut up the pillow, scattered the feathers, and returned to the house.

“Am I now forgiven?” he asked.

“Just one more thing,” the wise man said. “Go now and gather up all the feathers.”

“But that's impossible. The wind has already scattered them.”

“Precisely,” he answered. “And though you may truly wish to correct the evil you have done, it is as impossible to repair the damage done by your words as it is to recover the feathers. Your words are out there in the marketplace, spreading hate, even as we speak.”

Refrain from indulging in gossip. Remember, small talk comes out of big mouths when you discus other peoples business you motivate them to become a better person and while you build them up your tearing down your self.
Click Here!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to Train a Flea.

How to Train a Flea?

Train a flea? You may ask, but it is really interesting if you think about it, fleas are one of the more superior insect, because of their amazing ability to jump, they are the best jumpers in the insect world.

Fleas can jump two hundred times the length of their own bodies, which is roughly about thirteen inches. If a grown man could jump 200 times the length of their own bodies, they could jump about 900 feet!

Wow! Can you imagine that? What boundless ability these fleas have, it amazes me every time I think about it. Can you imagine if we could jump 200 times the length of our bodies this means that we could jump over the Trump World Tower in New York which is the 79th-tallest building in the world and the 28th-tallest in the United States. It is tallest all-residential building in New York City and the United States. This just shows how limitless both man and insect can be if they use their full potential.

So back to the question, how do you train a flea? An insect that as such  boundless ability.
Well here is my thought if you want make it in life and have success you have to learn how to train fleas.

You train fleas by putting them in a jar the fleas will then attempt to jump out but when you put the lid on the jar they will hit the lid of the jar with tremendous force. Hitting the lid of the jar with such force is painful. After doing this over and over again for about 30 minutes, you can take the lid off of the jar and the fleas will not jump out. They react to the impact of hitting the lid and adapt by jumping with less force and are conditioned to jump just shy of hitting the lid. When you take the lid off and give them the opportunity to use their innate potential again and jump far, they continue to jump just shy of the height of the lid as if it were still on the jar and this is how they will remain for the rest of their life.

Most people are just like that they start out with such enthusiasm in life to climb the mountain own a business to do some thing significant, but along the way they bump their head or snob their toe and they become what zig ziglar call a SNIOP which means (Susceptible to the Negative Influence of Other people,) its very interesting how we as humans respond the same way, When limitations are taken off, we refuse to use our full potential because of conditioning and pain or discomfort of prior limitation. We will not go as far as we can go or think bigger to achieve great things.

We are victims of our environment and conditioning and we limit ourselves by our beliefs and what we are told to believe. “Don't think big; you will only disappoint yourself. You can't do that. What, are you crazy? Don't dream big; it is impossible.” Is it true? Only if you believe it.

So what is a flea trainer? A flea trainer jump out of the jar, a flea trainer realize that God has coded our DNA with what we need to succeed, But we hold ourselves prisoners to our own thinking and our limitations are set by conditioning our beliefs as what we accept to be true for us.

A flea trainer realizes that what they do is up to them and they refuse to be influence by the negativity of people and circumstance. JUMP OUT!  Click Here!

Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Be Proactive

What are you really thinking about today?

Perhaps the most basic statement of how we work. Think about what you are thinking today. What do those thoughts say about you? About your life? And how well do they really match your plans for your life and your image of yourself?

It’s easy to forget about this simple statement in everyday life. It’s easy to be quite incongruent with what you think on an ordinary day compared to how you view yourself and your goals. A simple external reminder such as a post-it with this quote can be helpful to keep you and your thoughts on the right track. A brilliant and beautiful expansion on this thought can be found in James Allen's As a Man Thinketh’.

But thinking alone is insufficient we have to be proactive with our thoughts and our beliefs in order to keep the positive thoughts flowing.

Thinking has its place. It can help you plan a somewhat realistic route to your goal and help you avoid future pitfalls. Over thinking is however just a habit that will help you waste a lot of time. It's more useful to replace that habit with the habit of just doing it. 

 “It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.” By Bruce Lee.

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.” By Bruce Lee.

Thinking too much and thereby seldom taking action. Paralysis by analysis can waste years of your life. There is nothing wrong with thinking before you do something. Do some research; make a plan explore potential upsides and problems.

But compulsively thinking and thinking and thinking is just another way to waste your time. You don't have to examine everything from every angle before you try it. And you can't wait for the perfect time to do something. That time never comes. And if you keep thinking you'll just dig yourself down deeper and deeper and taking action will become more and more difficult. Instead you just need to stop thinking. Shut of your mind it just helps you up to a point and go do whatever you need to do.

Adding more thoughts and thinking things over for the 111: Th time may create a sense of security. It’s also a good way to procrastinate and to avoid taking that leap you know you should take. And the more you think, the harder it gets to act. Perhaps because you want to keep that comforting sense of security and avoid the risk of wrecking that feeling.

How can you overcome this way of thinking and feeling?

Be proactive.

To hell with the circumstances you have to create the opportunities you want. It's easy to get locked into a reactive mindset. You just follow along with whatever is happening. You do what the people around you do. You react to whatever is going on and so you get lost in your circumstances. This way of thinking doesn't feel good. You tend to feel powerless and like you are just drifting along.

You can't allow your self to be stuck with Paralysis by analysis the only way your going to know if your ideas or your goals for your life will ever work is if you become proactive like Nike says JUST DO IT! 

The more action you put behind your thoughts the clearer they will become over time, like the famous quote by Napoleon Bonaparte say,

“Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.” In other words JUST DO IT!  

Will it be hard taking action? Yes! But what do you expect you have been passive with your life all this time of course it going to take a lot persistent and determination to start live an abundant life but look at it this way.

When ever NASA launches a rocket into space it takes two gigantic boosters to give it enough momentum to get it up and then it just break free from them and use its momentum to get it to its destination being proactive does the same in our lives. So what are you waiting for? 
Click Here!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Paid in full

This caught my eyes while i was browsing the other and i fell like sharing it with all my readers.


A young man was getting ready to graduate college. For
many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's
showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told
him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited
signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the
morning of his graduation his father called him into his private
study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine
son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son
a beautiful wrapped gift box.

Curious, but somewhat disappointed the young man
opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible. Angrily,
he raised his voice at his father and said, "With all your money you
give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the house, leaving the holy

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in

He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his
father was very old, and thought perhaps he should go to him. He
had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make
arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had
passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He
needed to come home immediately and take care things.
When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and
regret filled his heart.

He began to search his father's important papers and
saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With
tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he
read those words, a car key dropped from an envelope
taped behind the Bible.

It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the
sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation,
and the words...PAID IN FULL.

How many times do we miss God's blessings because they are not
packaged as we expected?

Monday, November 7, 2011

The 80/20 Rule

I believe success could have come much sooner in my life had I known then what I know now, I am much older and wiser now, But sometimes I wish that I had known some of things I have learned over the last few years a bit earlier. That perhaps there had been a self-improvement class in school. And in some ways there probably was.

But I highly doubt it though, because there is no way that a teacher could have been sharing life transforming information and I didn't here it are don't remember right, right? Well if there was I sure didn't get that class so I had to be stuck in the struggle lane of the crowded high way of life.

you see life is often like a math problem because we don't know the correct formula we often struggle to find ways to make our life a little simpler, you were probably just like me, you find your self busy doing everything but getting nothing done well at lease the important things, now that I know this is the 80/20 rule I can easily evaluate the situation and focus my efforts a be more efficient, but before that it was like pushing water up an hill with a straw. 

So what is that 80/20 rule? This is one of the best ways to make better use of your time. The 80/20 rule also known as The Pareto Principle basically says that 80 percent of the value you will receive will come from 20 percent of your activities.

So in essence a greater portion of your accomplishment will come from a lesser portion  of your endeavors, can you imagine the amount of time I wasted all these years not knowing this I could have spare my self  at lease five years of hardship if some one had thought me the 80/20 rule.

To be effective you probably need some kind of time management-system. It might be something really simple, like using the 80/20-rule at the beginning of each day. The 80/20 rule says that you´ll get 80 percent of your results from only 20 percent of your tasks and activities. So you need to focus most of your energy on those few important tasks to be effective.

When you have prioritized using this rule just write down the top 3 most important things you need to do that day. Then, from the top, start doing them. Even if you just get one of the things done, you have still done the most important thing you could do today. You may perhaps prefer some other system, such as GTD. But however you organize your work it's still of highest priority to find the most important tasks so you don't spend days, weeks or months doing busywork that isn't that essential anyway. Just getting things done faster isn't that useful if the things you get done are unimportant to you.

So a lot of what you do is probably not as useful or even necessary to do as you may think. You can just drop or vastly decrease the time you spend on a whole bunch of things and if you do that you will have more time and energy to spend on those things that really brings you value, happiness and fulfillment. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thank you for smiling

It has been proven time and time again that giving is more reward than receiving but some how we don't seem to get it, why is that? and then on the flip side some how we believe that if it don't come out of our wallets or pocket book or even from a store then its just not a gift.

We some how got our wires crossed up and thinking that if it is not a store bought shiny, 42 inches with HD, bling or plays our favorite tune while simultaneously making a call and sending an email then its just not some thing that we would even consider giving.

But the truth is some of the most priceless gifts are the ones that you can never buy in a store, these gifts comes free but they are worth a fortune, how about giving some away today? You have a lot, as a matter a fact you can live three life time and still you couldn't use up the surplus that you have.

So how what do you say about it? Why not start of by giving away some smile today. Do you remember the quote that says “laughter is the best medicine?” well surprisingly smiling does the same its a fact smiling can boost your mood and even your immune system,  Psychologists have found that even if you're in bad mood, you can instantly lift your spirits by forcing yourself to smile.

I bet after hearing this you wont be so hesitant with giving away smiles any more and I see you smiling right now yea there it is huh uh, wow look at that colossal smile one your face right now I bet your saying to your self that you need to contain that smile on your face before some one comes in and see you staring at the computer screen grinning from ear to ear.

 Don't worry Smiles are contagious: It's not just a saying: smiling really is contagious, scientists say. In a study conducted in Sweden, people had difficulty frowning when they looked at other subjects who were smiling, and their muscles twitched into smiles all on their own. 

Here are a few facts that you should know about smile before you go out on a smiling spree.

  •    It boosts your immune system
  •    Smiles are contagious.
  • Smiles Relieve Stress.
  • It's easier to smile than to frown.
  • It's a universal sign of happiness.
  • Smiles use from 5 to 53 facial muscles.
  •  Women smile more than men.
  • There are 19 different types of smiles.
  • and best of all its free. 
 So now you know that you have this wonderful gift in abundant supply, go ahead Smile more often. Whip out a smile like your credit card and brighten some ones day, because in actuality you are the one that is getting the most benefit from it;  whenever you get a grin on your face, your brain is releasing serotonin, the happy hormone.

 Smiling is the natural way to force yourself to be happy. Many people even smile for five minutes straight in the morning to get themselves in a great mood for the day. It is a very powerful tool that is utilized less and less as we grow older and need happiness more than ever. Just remember that while happiness leads to smiles, smiles also lead to happiness. So what are you waiting for go ahead start giving.

Live An Optimal Life And One With Purpose. Get more info CLICK HERE!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Brain vs Google (How to Get More From Ourselves)

We have all heard the old myth that as been quoted and missed quoted for centuries now you know that famous one that says  most  humans  only use up 10% of their brain, now while some of us would love to believe this myth so we can blame it on some of our short comings the claim is just not true.

 Although it's true that at any given moment all of the brain's regions are not concurrently firing, brain researchers using imaging technology have shown that, like the body's muscles, most are continually active over a 24-hour period. Evidence would show over a day you use 100 percent of the brain.

The reason why we often don't get more out of our selves or our brain is because of one simple fact lazy, yes I said it laziness as allows us reduce a 100% active fully functional 3 lb brain to size of  a sheep's brain (about 0.3 lb) no wonder why some times they call us sheeple (Bah baa baa baaah),  bleating like a sheep right now.  LOL!

Well enough sheeping around (baaah!). It turns out though, that we use virtually every part of the brain and that most of the brain is active almost all the time, Lets just put it this way, the brain represents three percent of the body's weight and uses 20 percent of the body's energy.

What an amazing power house we have between our two ears, it is presumed that Google's worldwide computing capacity is an astounding 5 petabytes but surprisingly the human brain is an amazing 2.5 petabytes but here is where the brain beats Google super computers it does not separate processing from storage, they are intertwined so in essence Google took over  thirteen years and $190 billion in revenue later to try catch up to the processing power of a single human brain.

Tell me do you start feeling any smarter yet? You should ( baah), so the next time some one comes to you and say some stupid stuff like you only use 10% of your brain tell them to just shut up. I often wonder, what would Einstein say if he was here? 

He would probably say something like this, “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death” (using Einstein's voice) .

Which is fact truth, we have to start training our brain to channel our energy more positively and stop wasting such great power with a little practice we can eradicate this laziness and increase our processing efficiency, hey if Google can train a bunch of machine to do it then what say us. 

I have discovered a simple exercise that as shown me dramatic results and  all you have to do is this,  Memorize something everyday. Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies all at your will, begin today your brain will love you for it. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The eye of the bird

How do you achieve your goals when every thing around you is moving at warp speed?

In this fast pace society where you have deadlines you can’t make, appointments that you might be late for, broken promises, set backs, bills, the kids, your spouse, your boss, shattered dreams, betrayals selfishness and greed.

With so many distractions every day in this dog eat dog world where all the odds look like they have conspired against you. it seem impossible to get anything worth while done to bring about a sense of accomplishment and success but the truth is there is no amount of distraction or obstacles that can stop or derail a mind that is made up a person that is relentless about what they want out of life just as long as you know what you are aiming for you will certainly hit your target.  

aiming for the birds eye is when we focus our arrow at the target so intently shut out all the distracting noise all the people who want to see you fail all the one that never believe in you who told you that you could never do, its keeping a steady hand no matter how hard the wind blow going after that target as if it was already in the dead center.

we can learn to be precise about almost every thing in our lives we have to just get into the habit of it, habits are formed over time with much practice they often become like second nature the bad ones and the good ones alike.
so too just like the master archer have to practice to perfect his mastery.

An ancient Indian sage was teaching his disciples the art of archery. He put a wooden

Bird as the target and asked them to aim at the eye of the bird. The first disciple was asked to describe what he saw. He said, "I see the trees, the branches, the leaves, the  sky, the bird and its eye.." The sage asked this disciple to wait. Then he asked the second disciple the same question and he replied, "I only see the eye of the bird." The sage said, "Very good, then shoot." The arrow went straight and hit the eye of the bird.

What is the moral of the story? Unless we focus, we cannot achieve our goal. It is hard to focus and concentrate, but it is a skill that can be learned.


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